I feel so fare behind on blogging! I wanted to do an update on a few things we did over the last six months. In July we went on our family vacation to Flaming Gorge. We love it there and had a great time. This was Zanders first trip and he loved it! He had a great time on the boats and loved watching the water and splashing.
Here is Abe with Zander and our little boat which we sold after this trip:(
We decided it just was not a good boat with small children so we are hoping to get a larger one at some point in the future. Instead we purchased a trailer for camping and trips to the lake:)
This is how Crombie stayed cool. He loved to dig in the sand
For the 24th of July we got this pack of fireworks! Growing up I always begged my dad to get the big pack but they were always to expensive. So this year we went in on this pack with Abes family. Honestly it was not worth the money. Really after a few fountains they all look the same. We still had a great time though.

In August we took a trip with our new trailer. This was an epic trip that will live in history. Little did we know we chose the weekend before school started back up so camping was free! Which would have been great had we been able to find a spot to camp. First we went up Ogden Canyon but everything was booked. So we tried out at Antelope Island still no luck. So we drove up to Evenston WY and up into the mountains which was a very pretty drive and we saw some great places and even a moose but still no camping sites that would fit our trailer. So we took the back road from Evanston up to Park City and back. We ended up staying the night in the Riverton Walmart parking lot. Which is right next to the IHOP and every Saturday morning my Grandpa Holt will buy anyone who comes at 7:30 AM breakfast. So at leat that worked out in our favor. It was quite the drive for breakfast.
Can you see the Walmart in the background?
In September we attempted again to go camping this time we went to Flaming Gorge which was a bit chilly but we had so much fun and it warmed up after the first day. Zander loved it!
September is also Abes birthday and this year it was the big 30.
I surprised Abe by taking him out to dinner and having his family meet us there and then all of us going to the Circus! It was so much fun even if he guessed it as we were on our way to the restaurant. At least I kept it a secret which for me is not an easy thing.
This was a cool elephant that painted to music before the Circus started
In October we got a new member of the family Nessie! She is also a Hungarian Komondor like Crombie. We imported her from Hungary and she is a doll although she is earning the nick name messy Nessie. Her registered name is Highness but Nessie for short. Crombie loves having a buddy to play with. We are hope in a few years to have a litter of white fur balls.
She was so worn out after her long trip
Sorry for the super long post I will tell you about our Halloween and Christmas festivities in a later post.