Thursday, January 28, 2010

Word of the day

Pyogenic Granuloma- Also known as the pregnancy tumor. It is a Lobular Capillary Hemangioma and can occur in 10% of pregnant women.

So I am one of the lucky ones to get one of these hemangiomas on my finger. It started out as this small red dot on the inside of my middle finger and suddenly got huge and would bleed profusely. So today I got it taken care of. I went to Plastic Surgeon Dr. Daniel Sellers who was awesome and took care of it for me! Currently two of my fingers on my left hand are still numb making it very difficult to type. I know it may seem weird to see a Plastic Surgeon for a finger, but he specializes also in the hand. So now my digits will be nice and pretty again. I could post a picture but it would not be pretty, although if I were readng this I would think it very interesting. That's what you get I guess when you work in the medical field.

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of those. Glad it is all taken care of now.
